Cotto vs. Saltillo

We’ll review the differences between our two favorite terracotta tiles

Clay Imports

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Cotto and Saltillo are two types of terracotta tiles with their own unique characteristics. We'll go over some differences between each tile. 

Color Variation

Cotto tiles are available in three color options: red, gold, and brown. Each color option has slight color variations, ranging from darker to lighter shades.

Traditional Saltillo tile has a wide range of colors, ranging from dark reds to gold tones.

Size Options

Both Cotto and Saltillo tiles are available in various shapes and sizes.  Note that Saltillo tiles are going to be significantly thicker than Cotto tiles. 

Keep in mind that Saltillo tiles will range much more in size than Cotto tiles. Due to size variation, Saltillo tiles are going to require a larger grout joint than Cotto tiles. 


You should also consider density when comparing both tiles. Saltillo tiles are hand pressed into wooden molds using the weight of the tile maker. This makes Saltillo tiles less dense.

Cotto tiles are denser because of the use of machinery. Cotto tiles are denser than Saltillo tiles and can be fired at a higher temperature. Saltillo tiles are fired at a lower temperature which makes them porous.  


Saltillo tiles will require sealing due to their porous nature. Saltillo tiles are available in a range of sealed finishes from high gloss to matte.

Cotto, a much denser product does not require sealing. In some cases, sealer application can actually damage Cotto tile. Only penetrating sealers should be used on Cotto. ALWAYS test a small area before sealing all of your tile to ensure compatibility.

Slip Resistance

It's important to consider how slippery terracotta tile is when using on a floor. 

Saltillo tiles are generally going to be more slippery, since they require a sealer and have a smooth surface.

Cotto tiles have a significantly rougher surface than Saltillo, making them ideal for indoor or outdoor uses. Cotto tiles are not slippery when wet.


Cotto tiles are more expensive than Saltillo because they require more time to produce and are fired at a higher temperature. Saltillo tiles start at $3 a square foot and Cotto tiles start at $10 a square foot. 

For more in depth look at Cotto vs. Saltillo check out our blog article on the topic here.

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